

Download the DMeter Installer file.

Double click the dmg to mount it and then double click the DMeter.pkg file and follow the onscreen instructions to accept the licence agreement and install to your computer.

Download the DMeter Installer file.

Double click the msi and follow the on screen instructions to accept the license agreement and install to your computer.

When you run DMeter up for the first time, if you have a firewall enabled, you should be prompted to allow DMeter along with a number of Dante® services through your firewall. You must approve all of these requests, otherwise DMeter will not function correctly. An error will be displayed in the status icon of DMeter if the firewall is mis-configured.

Drag the DMeter app from your Applications folder into your Bin to uninstall from your computer.

DMeter will have created the following folders which should be manually deleted if you do not want to keep your licence and preset data.

/Library/Applicaiton Support/Zenso/DMeter
~/Library/Application Support/Zenso/DMeter
*delete this folder for each user account that has used DMeter

Find DMeter in the Add/Remove Programs window in Settings. Click on it and select Uninstall. Follow the prompts to uninstall DMeter from your computer.

DMeter will have created the following folders which should be manually deleted if you do not want to keep your licence and preset data.

*delete this folder for each user account that has used DMeter

Step by step activation instructions can be found here:

DMeter is activated through Audinates activation system. If you are experiencing any activation issues, please contact Audinate support directly.

No there is no way to transfer a license. It is node locked to the computer that was activated as per the DMeter EULA: “Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Licensor grants to the End-User a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to install and use the Software in object code form only on a single computer and use the documentation provided with the Software only in conjunction with the use of the Software.”

Audinates activation system is unable to offer a purchase order mechanism because the activation system is closely integrated with the payment system.

However, if you run all the instances of DMeter at once on the same network you can upgrade them all in a single credit card transaction using one activator on the network, just adding the all to the cart and then complete your purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current version of DMeter is

DMeter runs on Mac (10.15+) and Windows (10+) computers connected to a Dante® network.

DMeter is currently an intel only application, but will still run on M1 Macs via Rosetta. A native M1 version will be released later this year.

DMeter allows metering of 2 Dante® channels after activation of the free version*.

An upgraded 32 channel licence can be purchased and activated using the Dante® Activator which can be launched from within DMeter or via Dante® Controller.

*A free Audinate® account is required to activate DMeter.

Yes, you can activate a free 2 channel version using your free Audinate® Account.

An upgraded 32 channel licence can be purchased and activated using the Dante® Activator which can be launched from within DMeter or via Dante® Controller.

DMeter and the Dante® processes will use a numer of ports from the Base Port for communication with the Dante® network.

The following ports are used by the application and processes.

– DMeter: BasePort + 50 to BasePort + 65
– Dante® Audio Routing (apec): BasePort, BasePort + 10
– Dante® Control and Monitoring (conmon_server): 8702, 8708, BasePort + 15, BasePort + 30, BasePort + 40 to BasePort + 49
– Dante® Discovery (mdnsresponder): 5353
– Dante® Clock Synchronization (ptp): 319, 320

DMeters BasePort default is 44100, but this can be changed in the settings tab if any of the ports are already in use by any other applications that need to run at the same time.

The following ports will be used with our default base port of 44100:

– DMeter: 44150-44165
– Dante® Audio Routing (apec): 44100, 44110
– Dante® Control and Monitoring (conmon_server): 8702, 8708, 44115, 44130, 44140-44149
– Dante® Discovery (mdnsresponder): 5353
– Dante® Clock Synchronization (ptp): 319, 320

To change the Base Port, open the Setting Panel and click into the Base Port text box and type the required base port number. The default Base Port should work for most systems.

You should only need to change the base port setting if another application is already using ports in this range. For further information on Dante® ports, please refer to:

Currently DMeter only support a 48kHz sample rate.

There will be an update coming soon that will expand the available sample rates.

The Dante default name for DMeter is DMeter-HOSTNAME where HOSTNAME is the name of your computer.
If you are seeing this exception, your computer name must have a character in it that Dante does not support.  You should be able to change the computer name to remove any illegal characters and then DMeter should run without the exception.
Dante requires a clock master to generate the PTP signal and time stamp that fans out to all devices on that Dante audio network.  DMeter uses the Dante Application Library which is a subsystem of Dante that cannot be a clock master.  In order to use DMeter, you will need some other Dante product that can provide the PTP time source. This is generally any piece of Dante hardware, or something using Dante Embedded Platform.
Dante VIA can be used as a clock source in some cases, but it is not ideal.
Dante Virtual Surround is also a subsystem which does not provide a PTP timing source.
We suggest you consider something like an AVIO which will give you a Dante hardware clock source and allow all of your Dante Virtual Soundcard (PCs) and DMeter to work together.

Known Issues

DMeter may crash on start-up on Windows.

This appears to be an issue with the windows installer not correctly detecting and installing the Microsoft redistributable when DMeter is installed.

Please download and install the redistributable from here and DMeter should no longer crash.

Sometimes the DMeter App will be running, but there are no windows visible on any screen. This can occur if you have changed your window configuration, in particular if a monitor has been removed.

To fix this issue you should quit or kill DMeter so it is not running. then you can delete the AppData.json file from the C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Zenso\DMeter folder on Windows or from the ~/Library/Application Support/Zenso/DMeter folder on Mac.

Now when you start the DMeter App, the window should be visible.

Please ensure that you enroll DMeter in the Dante Domain that you want to meter. If DMeter is not enrolled, it does not have permission to connect to the devices and channels.

If both Wi-Fi and Ethernet are enabled on the Mac, devices may not reliably appear in the Sources panel. They may also initially appear and then go offline (turn grey).

To resolve the issue, either turn off Wi-Fi or set the network order so that Ethernet is at the top of the list. A reboot may be required after changing the network order.

For DEP device manufacturers, for DMeter to work with DEP, please make sure the DEP hostname does not exceed 31 characters, or DMeter may fail to display the device in the Source UI.

After Dragging and Dropping a source to the meter area (either a Device or Channel) the right click action does not bring up the Context Menu. To restore functionality, simply left click in the meter area first, and the right click will work correctly again.

DMeter can’t receive multicast audio sent from other Dante software running on the same computer, using the same interface. This is a known limitation of Dante software including Via, DVS and third-party applications based on Dante Application Library. Such a multicast subscription will show a red cross instead of a green tick/check mark, with hover text “Subscription status is: No audio data.”. This is not an issue with multicast audio from other devices.

The Dante Activation required pop-up may briefly flash on after pressing the “Apply” button in the Settings panel. As soon as the Dante Application Library instance has restarted, the activation state will again be valid and the pop up should disappear again.

When trying to run DMeter on large Dante networks (tens of devices and thousands of channels), you may see an application error “connection array to small” at startup followed by “Dante Exception:onAvilableChannelsChanged: System: Not Enough Memory.

This is a known issue that Audinate are investigating. As soon as a fix is available, we will update DMeter and inform affected users.

High latencies may be seen when running DMeter on an M1 Mac in PTP time source mode. This is a known issue which can be resolved by selecting “Received Audio” as the Time Source in the DMeter settings. We hope to address this in a future update.

Contact Support

Simply contact us via email for more help.